mercoledì 11 settembre 2013

NetBeans 7.3 IDE PHP for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander How-to Install and Getting-Started Easy Visual-Guide

The Tutorial Show How-to Install and Getting-Started with the Latest Netbeans 7.3 IDE for PHP Development on Linux Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander i386/amd64 Desktop.

To the Article Bottom Link to Netbeans PHP Development Article-Installation SetUp and Hello-World Example.

To Make the Entire Process Easier to Visualize and Retain the Post Includes the Basic Screenshots of the Essentials Steps Involved.

The Content and Details are Expressly Reduced to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands and Make Tut Easier to Read & Digest ;)

Netbeans on Ubuntu
    To Read More Please Turn Off Ad Blocker and Refresh Page...

domenica 8 settembre 2013

Linux Ubuntu Install the Best Vnc Viewer Easy Guide

Look My other Post with Tutorial on Installing the Best Vnc Viewer for Ubuntu

Gnome Penguin Ball Question Mark Orange

Installing Vnc for Ubuntu

Here is the Link 2 Guide:
Please Turn Off Ad Blocker and Refresh Page to Enable Link to Content Here...

sabato 7 settembre 2013

How-to Install Eclipse Kepler 4.3 C/C++ on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy 32/64bit Easy Visual-Guide

The Tutorial Show How-to Install and Getting-Started with the Latest Eclipse 4.3 Kepler C/C++ for Linux Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy-Salamander i386/amd64 Unity Desktop.

There is the Possibility also to Install the Eclipse Platform via apt-get But at this time the Linux Ubuntu Saucy apt-get Repositories are still Back to Eclipse 3.8.

So At the Moment if you Want to Dispose of the Last Eclipse Kepler 4.3 Build on Linux Ubuntu 13.10 you will Need to Download and Install the Original Eclipse Kepler 4.3 C/C++ Development Release for Linux.

Here Instead we Proceed Directly to Download and Installation of the Whole Eclipse for C/C++ Development Linux Release.

The Content and Details are Expressly Reduced to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands and Make Tut more Easy & Digestive;)

To the Guide Bottom you find a Link to Create a Launcher and Hello-World Application Quick Starting.

Ubuntu Eclipse
  1. Download Latest Eclipse C/C++ for Linux:

    Eclipse 4.3 C/C++ Linux
  2. Double-Click on Archive and Extract Eclipse into /tpm Linux Ubuntu Eclipse CPP Extraction
  3. Open Terminal Window
    Linux Ubuntu 12 Open Terminal
  4. Install Required Packages
    sudo su
    apt-get install g++
  5. Relocate Eclipse
    mv /tpm/eclipse /opt
  6. Create a Symlink
    ln -s /opt/eclipse/eclipse /usr/bin/eclipse

    After you can Start Eclipse from Terminal simply with:

  7. Create an Eclipse Launcher for Easy-Starting:

    Quick Launcher for Ubuntu-Unity
    Unity Eclipse Launcher
  8. Eclipse C++ Getting-Started SetUp & Hello-World:

    Eclipse-C++ Hello World!

How-to Install Firefox 25 Aurora Browser on for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy-Salamander 32bit/64bit Linux Easy Visual-Guide

The Guide Show How-to Install Firefox Aurora 25 32bit/64bit Browser for Linux Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander i386/amd64 Desktop.


The Firefox Aurora Version Coexist Perfectly with the Eventual Others Firefox Installations without Making Any Troubles, this Meaning that an Unique Firefox Base Environment will be Shared between All the Firefox Versions on the System.


More than this Once Installed it Will Plug-In the Firefox Aurora Channel and Like Every Other Firefox Version in the Future will Follow to be Automatically Updated to the Newest Firefox Aurora Release. So it is Not a Wasting Time because You Install It Once and Keep Forever Freshly Updated :)


To Make Easier the Visualization of the Entire Process I have Inserted the Essentials Screenshots of the Installation.


Inside the Instructions you will Find also a Link to How-to Create a Launcher for Firefox Browser on Ubuntu Linux Desktop.

Unbuntu & Firefox Aurora
  1. Download Firefox Aurora for Linux:

    Firefox 25 Aurora i686/x8664 tar.bz2
  2. Double-Click on the Archive and Extract into /tmp Install Firefox on Ubuntu 12 Extraction
  3. Open Terminal Window
    Linux Ubuntu12 Open Terminal
  4. Relocate Firefox Aurora

    Login as SuperUser

    sudo su

    Make a Firefox Directory

    mkdir /opt/firefox
    Move Firefox Into firefox-Aurora so to Prepare for a Possible Firefox Multi-Version Coexistence
    mv /tmp/firefox /opt/firefox/firefox-aurora

    Make a Symlink for Easy-Starting

    ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox-aurora/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox-aurora
    Next you Can Start Firefox from Terminal with
  5. Create a Launcher:

    How Ubuntu Launcher
About Firefox Aurora

How-to Install Evernote Clone on Linux Ubuntu:

Installing Evernote for Ubuntu

martedì 18 giugno 2013

How-to Install Latest Opera 16+ Browser for Linux Ubuntu 13.04 Raring i386 Easy Visual-Guide

The Guide Show How-to Install the Latest Opera Browser 16.x on Linux Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail 32bit Unity Desktop the Easy-Way.


The Opera Browser Dispose of Several Advanced Features and the Most Valuable One is the Ability of Perfectly Resuming Any Download.


Take Note: At the Same Time I'm also Illustrating here the Easiest Way of Installing the New Downloaded .deb Packages with Dependencies.


The Article have Included the Screenshots of the Process to Rend the Visualization and Installation Easier and More Plesant.

Linux Penguin leMans Opera
  1. Download Latest Opera Browser:

    Latest Opera i386 .deb
  2. To Start Installation Double-Click on Downloaded .deb Package

    Click on Install

    Ubuntu Installing the Opera Browser

    In a little while you will Find Opera Browser Successfully Installed on Ubuntu :)

    Ubuntu Installing the Opera Browser - Done
  3. Opera in Ubuntu Unity Desktop Ubuntu - Opera Browser on Desktop Main Menu
  4. How-to Install Google-Chrome Browser on Ubuntu:

    Installing Google-Chrome for Ubuntu
Welcome To Opera Browser

How-to Install Firefox 25 Aurora Browser on for Ubuntu 13.04 Raring-Ringtail 32bit Linux Easy Visual-Guide

The Guide Show How-to Install Firefox Aurora 25 32bit Browser for Linux Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail i386 Desktop.


The Firefox Aurora Version Coexist Perfectly with the Eventual Others Firefox Installations without Making Any Troubles, this Meaning that an Unique Firefox Base Environment will be Shared between All the Firefox Versions on the System.


More than this Once Installed it Will Plug-In the Firefox Aurora Channel and Like Every Other Firefox Version in the Future will Follow to be Automatically Updated to the Newest Firefox Aurora Release. So it is Not a Wasting Time because You Install It Once and Keep Forever Freshly Updated :)


To Make Easier the Visualization of the Entire Process I have Inserted the Essentials Screenshots of the Installation.


Inside the Instructions you will Find also a Link to How-to Create a Launcher for Firefox Browser on Ubuntu Linux Desktop.

Unbuntu & Firefox Aurora
  1. Download Firefox Aurora for Linux:

    Firefox 25 Aurora i686 tar.bz2
  2. Double-Click on the Archive and Extract into /tmp Install Firefox on Ubuntu 12 Extraction
  3. Open Terminal Window
    Linux Ubuntu12 Open Terminal
  4. Relocate Firefox Aurora

    Login as SuperUser

    sudo su

    Make a Firefox Directory

    mkdir /opt/firefox
    Move Firefox Into firefox-Aurora so to Prepare for a Possible Firefox Multi-Version Coexistence
    mv /tmp/firefox /opt/firefox/firefox-aurora

    Make a Symlink for Easy-Starting

    ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox-aurora/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox-aurora
    Next you Can Start Firefox from Terminal with
  5. Create a Launcher:

    How Ubuntu Launcher
About Firefox Aurora

How-to Install Evernote Clone on Linux Ubuntu:

Installing Evernote for Ubuntu

How-to Install Eclipse Kepler 4.3 C/C++ on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring 32/64bit Easy Visual-Guide

The Tutorial Show How-to Install and Getting-Started with the Latest Eclipse 4.3 Kepler C/C++ for Linux Ubuntu 13.04 Raring-Ringtail i386/amd64 Unity Desktop.

There is the Possibility also to Install the Eclipse Platform via apt-get But at this time the Linux Ubuntu Raring apt-get Repositories are still Back to Eclipse 3.8.

So At the Moment if you Want to Dispose of the Last Eclipse Kepler 4.3 Build on Linux Ubuntu 13.04 you will Need to Download and Install the Original Eclipse Kepler 4.3 C/C++ Development Release for Linux.

Here Instead we Proceed Directly to Download and Installation of the Whole Eclipse for C/C++ Development Linux Release.

The Content and Details are Expressly Reduced to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands and Make Tut more Easy & Digestive;)

To the Guide Bottom you find a Link to Create a Launcher and Hello-World Application Quick Starting.

Ubuntu Eclipse
  1. Download Latest Eclipse C/C++ for Linux:

    Eclipse 4.3 C/C++ Linux
  2. Double-Click on Archive and Extract Eclipse into /tpm Linux Ubuntu Eclipse CPP Extraction
  3. Open Terminal Window
    Linux Ubuntu 12 Open Terminal
  4. Install Required Packages
    sudo su
    apt-get install g++
  5. Relocate Eclipse
    mv /tpm/eclipse /opt
  6. Create a Symlink
    ln -s /opt/eclipse/eclipse /usr/bin/eclipse

    After you can Start Eclipse from Terminal simply with:

  7. Create an Eclipse Launcher for Easy-Starting:

    Quick Launcher for Ubuntu-Unity
    Unity Eclipse Launcher
  8. Eclipse C++ Getting-Started SetUp & Hello-World:

    Eclipse-C++ Hello World!